17th Conference
The international network of Editors of Diplomatic Documents was founded in 1988. Delegations from different parts of the world met for the first time in London in 1989. Since then, the reunions took place every second year in The Hague (1992), Ottawa (1994), Rome (1996), Bonn (1998), Washington (2001), Canberra (2003), Paris (2005), Dublin (2007), The Hague (2009), Jerusalem (2011), Geneva (2013), Washington (2015), London (2017), Berlin (2019), Warsaw (2022), Rome (2024).
Members of the network of editors of diplomatic documents often cooperate in a personal capacity as scholars exploring their collective fields. Accordingly, the opportunity arises to bring these connections together and further them as a freely associated group of individuals with a common interest in the editing of contemporary diplomatic documents.
Members of the group would thus have the opportunity to engage in a wider discussion and investigate common concerns, concepts, problems and methodologies over a diverse range of historical and historiographical areas. As a result of these reflections, the delegates to the 12th International Conference of Editors of Diplomatic Documents in Geneva 2013 voted unanimously in favour of the foundation of an new international organization, the International Committee of Editors of Diplomatic Documents (ICEDD). ICEDD is member of the International Committee of Historical Sciences (CISH/ICHS).
1. Name
The name of the International Committee shall be the «International Committee of Editors of Diplomatic Documents» (ICEDD). It shall be affiliated to the International Committee of Historical Sciences (ICHS/CISH).
2. Objective
The International Committee shall bring together scholars with a common interest in the editing of contemporary diplomatic documents, enabling them to engage in a wider discussion and investigate common concerns, concepts, problems and methodologies over a diverse range of historical and historiographical areas.
3. Members
Membership shall be open to individual scholars who are or have been involved in the editing of diplomatic documents, and who accept the Charter of the International Committee.
Qualified scholars should apply in writing to the Bureau of the International Committee. Admission to membership in the International Committee is decided by the Bureau.
Each member shall pay a biennial membership fee (dues) at a rate recommended by the Bureau and approved by the General Assembly. Members are listed in the official Member’s List, receive information on the International Conference of Editors of Diplomatic Documents, and receive the call for papers and the information to participate in the Committee’s activities during the ICHS/CISH-Conference.
If a member wishes to terminate membership then this member must announce this in writing to the Bureau. The International Committee can end the membership of a member infringing the Charter’s objectives or not paying the membership fee for two consecutive periods.
4. Organs
The organs of the International Committee are
1. The General Assembly
2. The Bureau
4.1 General Assembly
The International Committee meets at least once every two years in General Assembly.
4.2 Bureau
The Bureau consists of a President, a Secretary General and three to seven additional Members. The organizer of the next Conference of Editors of Diplomatic Documents should be a member of the Bureau. Bureau Members are elected every 4 years by the General Assembly.
The Bureau will meet ordinarily once a year. Between two meetings of the International Committee, the Bureau has full authority to conduct the affairs of the International Committee.
The Bureau is concerned with preparations for general assemblies, with the monitoring of international editorial questions, and with scientific relations with national and international organizations, especially the International Committee of Historical Sciences (ICHS/CISH).
The members of the Bureau function without remuneration. They serve at their own risk and peril. Travel expenses are secured by the members of the Bureau themselves or their home institution.
5. President
The President chairs the meetings of the General Assembly and of the Bureau. Together with the Secretary General he represents the Committee officially.
6. Secretary General
The Secretary General is responsible for the convocation of the meetings of the General Assembly and of the Bureau, the administration of memberships, the maintenance of the website, for providing members with general information and keeping the contact to ICHS/CISH and other organizations.
7. Auditor
To ensure that membership fees and all financial transactions carried out by the ICEDD are in correct order, the Bureau shall elect an Auditor for a four-year period who will ensure that the accounts of the ICEDD are correct in all respects and are clearly presented to the General Assembly of the ICEDD. The holder of this office shall prepare a financial statement in conjunction with the Secretary General and it shall be accepted by the General Assembly.
8. Dissolution
Should the number of individual members fall below three, or a qualified majority of 2/3 of the members decide so, the Commission will be dissolved and its funds transmitted to the International Committee of Historical Sciences (ICHS/CISH).
Geneva, Palais des Nations, October 3, 2013
Marc Dierikx, President
Sacha Zala, Secretary General
With revision of Art. 4.2, decided at the General Assembly in Berlin, Federal Foreign Office, June 7, 2019
Dorothee Pautsch, President
Sacha Zala, Secretary General
Download: Charter
- Thomas Bürgisser, Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland
- Adrien Carbonnet, Belgian Diplomatic Documents
- Nicolas Chibaeff, Documents diplomatiques français
- Annina Clavadetscher, Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland
- Marc Dierikx, Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands
- Rudolf Mihai Dinu, Romanian Diplomatic Documents
- Piotr Długołęcki, Polish Diplomatic Documents
- Flurina Felix, Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland
- Louise Fischer, Document on the Foreign Policy of Israel
- Tim Geiger, Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
- John Gibney, Documents of Irish Foreign Policy
- Jonas Hirschi, Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland
- Adam Howard, Foreign Relations of the United States
- Brendan Kelly, Documents on Canadian External Relations
- Michael Kennedy, Documents of Irish Foreign Policy
- Francesco Lefebvre D’Ovidio, Documenti Diplomatici Italiani
- Mechthild Lindemann, Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
- Mattia Mahon, Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland
- Luca Micheletta, Documenti Diplomatici Italian
- Wolfgang Mueller, Außenpolitische Dokumente der Republik Österreich
- Dorothee Pautsch, Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
- Helena Pinto Janeiro, Documentos Diplomáticos Portugueses
- Ilaria Poggiolini, Università di Pavia
- Dumitr Preda, Romanian Diplomatic Document
- Isabelle Richefort, Documents diplomatiques français
- Marek Rodzik, Polish Diplomatic Documents
- Maurizio Rossi, Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland
- Patrick Salmon, Documents on British Policy Overseas
- Richard Smith, Documents on British Policy Overseas
- Yves Steiner, Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland
- Carola Tischler, German-Soviet Relations 1933-1941
- Antonio Varsori, Documenti Diplomatici Italiani
- Joseph Wicentowski, Foreign Relations of the United State
- Sacha Zala, Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland
Membership is open to individual scholars who are or have been involved in the editing of diplomatic documents, and who accept the Charter of the International Committee. Admission to membership in the International Committee is decided by the Bureau.
Scholarly Editions
ICEDD maintains a list of multivolume series of scholarly editions of documents on foreign relations. In addition it lists national institutions, which participate regularly at the international conferences.