Further volumes of this series
Il fallimento della CED e della CPE: dalla riunione di Baden-Baden alla Conferenza di Bruxelles (25 giugno 1953-31 agosto 1954)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has released the volume:
Il Fallimento della CED e della CPE: dalla riunione di Baden Baden alla Conferenza di Bruxelles (25 giugno 1953-31 agosto 1954), edited by F. Lefebvre and A. Varsori, Roma, Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato – Libreria dello Stato, 2020 (Documenti sulla Politica Internazionale dell’Italia, Serie A, Europa Occidentale e Unione Europea).
The publication collects a large selection of diplomatic documents from the Historical Diplomatic Archives of the Farnesina on the Italian position in the process of European integration. The volume covers the period between the opening of the Second Legislature of the Italian Republic, 25 June 1953, and the collapse of the Treaty establishing the European Defence Community, rejected by the French National Assembly on 30 August 1954.
Minutes, annexes and final communiqués of the meetings of the Six Foreign Ministers held in Baden-Baden (7-8 August 1953), in The Hague (26-28 November 1953) and in Brussels (19- 22 August 1954) are attached in the volume as an appendix.
The Section IV – Publication of diplomatic documents of the Policy Planning, Statistical and Historical Documentation Unit (Directorate General for Public and Cultural Diplomacy) conducts historical research and publishing activities. This volume has been edited by the State Archivists of the Section under the scientific direction of Professor Francesco Lefebvre d’Ovidio and Professor Antonio Varsori.
The ebook is available at:
Politica estera e Storia. Documenti e immagini della Diplomazia Italiana
Copies of the volume are available for purchase from Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato S.p.A.
online at: : Shop IPZS S.p.A., or by calling Numero Verde 800 864035, Tel. 039.06.85081 or writing to editoria@ipzs.it; protocollo@pec.ipzs.it