Further volumes of this series
La questione dell’Alto Adige/Südtirol: lo sviluppo della controversia, 1964-1969
La questione dell’Alto Adige/Südtirol: lo sviluppo della controversia, 1964-1969, 2 volumes, edited by F. Lefebvre and A. Varsori, Roma, Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato – Libreria dello Stato, 2019 (Documenti sulla Politica Internazionale dell’Italia, Serie B, Europa Centrale, Orientale e Russia)
These two volumes document one of the most important Italian policy issues after the post-War World II, namely the Alto Adige/South Tyrol question. They cover the years ranging from the «first global proposal» emerged at the Saragat-Kreisky meeting on December 16, 1964 to the agreement for a solution of the dispute which was reached at the Moro-Waldheim meeting of November 30, 1969 in Copenhagen. This was the first step towards the final settlement, which would have took place almost twenty-three years later, in 1992.
This work offers a wide selection of documents on the delicate work carried out by the most important political leaders of the time, especially Aldo Moro and Amintore Fanfani, supported by the diplomatic structure of the Foreign Affairs Ministry in close collaboration with historians and legal services.
The subject offers significant topical ideas as an institutional work model for the settlement of differences between European countries even in a context characterized by acts of terrorism and as a testimony of the ability to identify solutions for the protection of minorities.
The sezione Pubblicazione Documenti Diplomatici of the Unità di Analisi, Programmazione, Statistica e Documentazione Storica prepared the two volumes under the scientific direction of Professor Francesco Lefebvre d’Ovidio and Professor Antonio Varsori.
The ebooks are available at:
Politica estera e Storia. Documenti e immagini della Diplomazia Italiana
Copies of the volume are available for purchase from Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato S.p.A.
online at: Shop IPZS S.p.A., or by calling Numero Verde 800 864035, Tel. 039.06.85081 or writing to editoria@ipzs.it; protocollo@pec.ipzs.it