16th International Conference of Editors of Diplomatic Documents
8-11 June, 2022 in Warsaw

Initially, the conference in Warsaw was to be held in 2021. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic situation, it has been postponed to 8-11 June, 2022.

For any questions regarding the conference, please contact us on pdd@pism.pl

16th International Conference of Editors of Diplomatic Documents

8–11 June 2022 Warsaw

Wednesday, 8 June

18.00: Opening reception, Polish Institute of International Affairs

  • Greeting by Ryszard Stemplowski (First Director of the Polish Institute of International Affairs, 1999–2004, and founder of the Polskie Dokumenty Dyplomatyczne series)

Thursday, 9 June

09.00–09.30: Arrival and registration at the conference venue

09.30–9.45: Opening of the conference

  • Official welcome by Sławomir Dębski (Director of the Polish Institute of International Affairs)

9.45–11.15: Session 1

Series in New(re)born Countries

  • Chair: Helena Pinto Janeiro (Portugal)
  • Algimantas Kasparavičius (Lithuania): Publication of 20th Century Diplomatic Documents in Lithuania: Experiences and Challenges
  • Oleksandr Avramchuk (Ukraine): A phoney autonomy? Soviet Ukraine’s foreign relations in historical context, 1917–1991
  • Dušan Segeš (Slovakia): «Limited Edition» – Diplomatic Documents Published in Slovakia

11.15-11.30: Conference photo

11.30-12.00: Coffee break

12.00–13.45: Session 2

National Programmes

  • Chair: Jean-Luc De Paepe (Belgium)
  • Jindřich Dejmek, Jan Němeček (Czech Republic): Documents of Czechoslovak Foreign Policy (The State of Research)
  • Gusztáv D. Kecskés (Hungary): Documentary Publications on the First 100 Years of Independent Hungarian Foreign Policy (1918–2018)
  • Miruko Atsuta (Japan): Japanese Diplomatic Documents: Recent Publications and Events on Bilateral Relations
  • Georgios Polydorakis (Greece): Greece Liberated: Recognition and Establishment of Diplomatic and Consular Relations

13.45–14.45: Lunch break

14.45–16.15: Session 3

Gaps in Series (Uncovered Periods), part I

  • Chair: Adam Howard (USA)
  • Sławomir Dębski (Poland): The Missing Decade – the Twenties in Polskie Dokumenty Dyplomatyczne series
  • Richard Smith (United Kingdom): Continuity and Discontinuity in the British Diplomatic Document Publishing Programme
  • Mechthild Lindemann (Germany): The Missing Link: Filling in the Gap in the Series of Documents on the Foreign Policy of the Federal Republic of Germany (AAPD)

16.15–16.45: Coffee break

16.45–18.15: Session 4

Gaps in Series (Uncovered Periods), part II

  • Chair: Elke Freifrau von Boeselager (Germany)
  • Sacha Zala (Switzerland): «Mind the gap!» Swiss Digital Strategies for the «anni horribiles» 1979–1989
  • Matthew Jordan (Australia): No Foreign Policy to Speak of? Recent Efforts to Cover the Prehistory of Documents on Australian Foreign Policy, 1901–1936
  • Mandy A. Chalou (USA): Covering Public Diplomacy in the Foreign Relations Series

18.15–18.30: Questionnaires updates

  • Piotr Długołęcki (Poland)

19.30: Conference dinner

  • Toast Speech by Adam Daniel Rotfeld (Former Polish Foreign Minister)

Friday, 10 June

08.30–09.30: ICEDD Bureau Meeting (Bureau members only, The Golden Room, Bellotto Hotel)

9.45–11.15: Session 5

The Challenges Beyond Traditional Editing

  • Chair: Jean-Philippe Dumas (France)
  • Cees Heere (Netherlands): Oral History, Digital Publication, and the Diplomatic Archive
  • Joe Wicentowski (USA): New Digital Indexes and Annotations for the Foreign Relations Series
  • Marek Rodzik (Poland): The Challenge of Translation. A Case of «Confronting the Holocaust. Documents on Polish Government in Exile’s Policy Concerning Jews 1939–1945»

11.15–11.45: Coffee break

11.45–13.30: Session 6

Discovering Twitter. Diplomatic Documents in Social Media

  • Chair: Ayşe Selcan Şanlı (Turkey)
  • Mandy A. Chalou (USA): HistoryAtState: An Exploration of 10 Years on Twitter
  • Michael Kennedy (Ireland): Ten Years Tweeting: Looking Back and Thinking Forward
  • Thomas Bürgisser (Switzerland): The Thirtieth is the «annus mirabilis». @Dodis on Social Media
  • Marcin Furdyna (Poland): Twitter from Scratch. How to Present the History of Polish Diplomacy in 280 Characters?

13.30–14.30: Lunch break

14.30–16.00: Session 7

Polish Crisis 1980–1982 from Western Perspective, part I

  • Chair: Antonio Varsori (Italy)
  • Louise Fischer (Israel): An Uncomfortable Legacy: Polish–Israeli Relations in the Early 1980s and the Israeli View of the Crisis in Poland
  • Ilse Dorothee Pautsch (Germany): The Federal Republic of Germany and Polish Crisis 1980/81
  • Nicolas Chibaeff (France): The Polish Crisis and the French Questioning of its Soviet Policy

16.00–16.30: Coffee break

16.30–18.00: Session 8

Polish Crisis 1980–1982 from Western Perspective, part II

  • Chair: Aryo Makko (Sweden)
  • Richard Smith (United Kingdom): Encouraging «socialism with a more human face»: Britain’s Response to the Polish Crisis of 1980–81
  • Ineke Deserno (NATO Archives): Declassifying documents on NATO’s view on the situation in Poland in 1981
  • Mircea A. Munteanu (USA): One of These Days: US Efforts to Discourage a Soviet Invasion of Poland, 1980–1981
  • Piotr Długołęcki (Poland): The Polish Crisis from Western Perspective: An Attempt at Interpretation

18.00–18.15: Coffee break

18.15–19.00: ICEDD General Assembly

20.00: Closing reception

Saturday, 11 June

9.45–12.30: Cultural programme