Further volumes of this series
Polskie Dokumenty Dyplomatyczne 1937
Editor: Jan Stanisław Ciechanowski, in cooperation with: Piotr Długołęcki
Publisher: Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych
ISBN 978-83-62453-45-0
Warsaw 2012, pages: LIV + 840
Languages: Polish, English, French, German
The eighteenth volume in the series Polish Diplomatic Documents contains 309 documents portraying Polish foreign policy in 1937.
The basis of the volume are the materials collected in the Archives of Modern Records in Warsaw, the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum in London and the Jozef Pilsudski Institute in America.
The most important question in the history of Polish diplomacy in 1937 was the issue of the Free City of Danzig, understood to be both part of international relations (via the League of Nations) as an issue affecting the shape of Polish-German relations as well as a component of Polish minority policy (the reactions of the local authorities to the Polish minority in Danzig).
In the international area, Polish efforts were concentrated on safeguarding the interests of the Republic of Poland in negotiations of the Western Pact (ultimately, unsuccessful) and the international context of the Spanish Civil War.
The most important event in bilateral relations that year should be considered the Polish-German Joint Declaration of Minorities of 5 November, accompanied by Hitler’s assurances of the inviolability of Polish rights in the Free City.
Besides the documents and introduction the volume also includes indexes by subject and by person. Documents published in the volume are arranged in chronological order.