Documents on Irish Foreign Policy

Dr. Michael Kennedy, Executive Editor (m.kennedy AT

Dr John Gibney, Assistant Editor, DIFP

Dr Kate O’Malley, Assistant Editor DIFP (to recommence 1 May 2021)

Royal Irish Academy

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy
Project description:

The 1996 White Paper on Irish Foreign Policy, ‘Challenges and Opportunities Abroad’ announced (paragraph 16:48) that the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Royal Irish Academy would jointly establish a series of volumes of documents on Irish foreign policy.
The Documents on Irish Foreign Policy (DIFP) project commenced operation at the RIA in the summer of 1997 and began the production of a multi-volume documentary history of Ireland’s foreign relations from 1919 using material contained in the archives of the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of the Taoiseach (now deposited in the National Archives of Ireland) as well as items from other relevant collections.
The aim of the DIFP series is to make available, in an organised and accessible manner, to people who may not be in a position easily to consult the National Archives, documents from the archived files of government departments relating to Irish foreign policy, particularly the Department of Foreign Affairs. Through its publications the project also aims to promote the wider use by the public of the Irish foreign policy archive. DIFP is a public resource for the study of the history of Irish foreign policy and diplomacy.

Founding Year: 1997

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy

Scope: Chronological Scope
Description of scope: DIFP seeks to cover the development and execution of Irish foreign policy in a chronological format since 1919.
Status: Ongoing
Number of volumes: 11

DIFP I                    1919-1922 (published 1998);

DIFP II                   1923-1926 (published 2000);

DIFP III                  1926-1932 (published 2002);

DIFP IV                 1932-1936 (published 2004);

DIFP V                   1937-1939 (published 2006);

DIFP VI                 1939-1941 (published 2008);

DIFP VII                1941-1945 (published 2010);

DIFP VIII               1945-1948 (published 2012);

DIFP IX                 1948-1951 (published 2014);

DIFP X                   1951-1957 (published 2016);

DIFP XI                  1957-1961 (published 2018);

DIFP XII                1961-1965 (published 2020).