Romanian Diplomatic DocumentsContact:Prof. dr. Rudolf M. Dinu, Senior Editor (rudolf.dinu AT Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Romanian Diplomatic Institute Romanian Diplomatic Institute |
The “Romanian Diplomatic Documents” collection is structured in three chronological series, which follow both the major time periods of universal history and the specific evolution of the Romanian state, from the second half of the 19th century to the fall of the communist regime. The first series is dedicated to the Romanian diplomacy from the establishment of modern Romanian State until the end of the First World War. The second series covers the period of “Great Romania” and ends with the year of 1947. The third and last series depicts the foreign policy during the communist period (1948-1989). Besides the three chronological series, the collection may also contain thematic volumes, dedicated to major events that occurred in the history of the Romanian state and had external implications. The “Romanian Diplomatic Documents” collection was initiated once with the creation of the Romanian Diplomatic Institute, on September 17, 2005. The editing and publication of the Romanian diplomatic documents belongs exclusively to the Romanian Diplomatic Institute, alongside the provision of expertise and professional training courses in international relations and diplomacy. Until now – from the beginning of the editing process in the autumn of 2005 – the Romanian Diplomatic Institute has published 7 volumes belonging to the first, second and third series of the collection.
The staff editing the “Romanian Diplomatic Documents”, formed by historians selected from the academic field, operates within the Romanian Diplomatic Institute, a public institution with legal personality, functioning under the auspices of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Documentation activity is conducted both in the Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the National Archives of Romania and the Romanian Academy Library (Department of manuscripts).
The Romanian Diplomatic Documents Collection is divided in three chronological series.
- First Series – “The Diplomacy of the Old Kingdom”, 1859-1918;
- Second Series – Covers the period between the two World Wars, from November 1, 1918 until December 31, 1947.
- Third Series – Dedicated to the post-war period, starting with the year of 1948. The upper limit depends on the law 16/1996 on National Archives (50 years from issuance).
Romanian Diplomatic Documents Collection
First Series.
1) Documente Diplomatice Române, seria I, volumul 11, anul 1883/Romanian Diplomatic Documents, series I, volume 11, 1883, (eds.) Alin Ciupală, Rudolf Dinu, Antal Lukacs, Introduction by Rudolf Dinu, Academiei Publishing House, Bucureşti, 2006, CXLVII+595 pp. of the collection;
2) Documente diplomatice române, seria I, volumul 12, 1884-1885/Romanian Diplomatic Documents, series I, volume 12, 1884-1885, (eds.) Rudolf Dinu, Alin Ciupală, Antal Lukacs, associate editors Anca-Graţiela Moga, Nicolae Nicolaescu, Introduction by Rudolf Dinu, Conphys Publishing House, Râmnicu Vâlcea, 2010;
3) Documente Diplomatice Române, seria I, volumul 13, 1886/Romanian Diplomatic Documents, series I, volume 13, 1886, edited by Alin Ciupală, Antal Lukács and Lidia Trăuşan-Matu, Bucharest, Editura Monitorul Oficial, 2014.
Second Series.
1) Documente Diplomatice Române, seria a II-a, volumul 18, partea I, 1 ianuarie – 30 iunie 1936/Romanian Diplomatic Documents, second series, volume 18, part I, January 1 – June 30, 1936, (eds.) Laurenţiu Constantiniu, Alin-Victor Matei, Academiei Publishing House, Bucureşti, 2008, CXXXIV+1002 pp.;
2) Documente Diplomatice Române, seria a II-a, volumul 18, partea II, 1 iulie – 31 decembrie 1936//Romanian Diplomatic Documents, second series, volume 18, part I, July 1 – December 31, 1936, (eds.) Laurenţiu Constantiniu, Alin-Victor Matei, Andreşi Şiperco, Conphys Publishing House, Râmnicu Vâlcea, 2010, CXII+919 pp.
3) Documente Diplomatice Române, seria a II-a, volumul 19, 1937/Romanian Diplomatic Documents, series II, volume 19, 1937, (eds.) edited by Alin-Victor Matei, Laurenţiu Constantiniu, Andrei Şiperco and Bogdan Antoniu, Bucharest, Editura Monitorul Oficial, 2016.
Third Series.
1) Documente Diplomatice Române, seria a III-a, România şi Tratatul de la Varşovia. Conferinţele miniştrilor afacerilor externe şi ale adjuncţilor lor (1966-1991)/Romanian Diplomatic Documents, third series, Romania and the Warsaw Pact. Conferences of Foreign Ministers and their deputies (1966-1991), (ed.) Mioara Anton, Introduction by de Mioara Anton, Alpha MDN Publishing House, Buzău, 2009, CLXXXII+1275 pp. This volume is a thematic one.